All Saints' Church

All Saints’ Church
At All Saints’ Church, Raleigh Street, you will find worship which is traditional but relatively informal, with a warm welcome extended to all. There is a Eucharist each Sunday at 10.30 am, with St Peter’s choir taking part on special occasions. Coffee and tea are available after the service. There is also a service of Holy Communion in the church chapel at 11.00 am on Tuesday mornings. All Saints’ is known to be a place where anyone and everyone can feel they belong, within a church community where all are valued for who they are. A new folk-style music group is currently being developed. All Saints’ Church is part of the national ‘Places of Welcome’ scheme, which offers opportunities for anyone from the local area to belong, connect and contribute. Every Tuesday morning from 11.30 am – 12.30 pm the church is open for tea, coffee etc and as a place where everyone is welcome to come to meet other people, to find out more about what is happening in the locality, or to be guided in the direction of more specialised advice or support. More details of the Places of Welcome network can be found at
All Saint’s Congregation
All Saints’ congregation is diverse, and includes people from a range of countries and racial backgrounds. At a typical Sunday there may be babies, children and students as well as adults of all ages. In past years links with Caribbean communities have developed, which still continue. All Saints’ church is frequently requested as a venue for baptisms, weddings and funerals. Various social events generally take place through the year, including musical evenings, the parish bonfire and firework night in November, and a Christmas party. In 2017 a Summer Holiday Club took place. A Chinese church (The New Enlightening Word Church) meets for worship in All Saints church on Sunday afternoons and Friday evenings.
Peace Garden
The churchyard is currently a community garden, including a ‘Peace Garden’ which is an oasis of quiet and calm in the urban jungle.
University of Nottingham Bell Ringers
The University of Nottingham Bell Ringers meet at All Saints’ Church and ring for Sunday services and other events.
The SFiCE Foundation is based in All Saints’ Hall, adjacent to the church. Its main mission is community development, to help reduce the effects of food poverty, isolation and ill health within the City of Nottingham. It aims to do this by providing a number of free to access projects for vulnerable adults, families and the homeless. It also addresses educational, health & well-being and core needs. These include free hot meals from the SFiCE Social Cafe. Free ESOL English language classes also take place, currently held online. The SFiCE Support Line telephone based listening service is available for those seeking local help for various needs. There is also a Homeless Outreach scheme which provides food, drink, toiletries and clothing to the homeless, and Cooking on a Budget recipe videos to develop cookery skills. See the website for more details.

We are now in partnership with Nottz Garden Project, a small group of people who aim to build up ‘community resilience’ in NG7. They do this by rejuvenating small pockets of land that have become neglected or, in our case, with more than enough to use for an additional, alternative purpose. Gamble Street corner was a weed and litter strewn patch of land at the side of the road. Alongside growing flowers and veg they installed a free book box and worked creatively, running art and gardening events through the summer to attract the local community. Please take a look. It is about so much more than growing vegetables.  Find Nottz Garden Project on Instagram.

Contact Details

Contact Information

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Disabled/Pushchair access to St Peter's Church is possible via the North Door, which can be accessed by a path running along the side of the church (off St Peter's Gate, by St Peter's Church Walk).

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Contact Details

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

Contact Information

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Charity Number: 1130298