Hannah Levick Charity

The Trustees of Miss Hannah Levick’s Charity, an independently managed registered charity (registration number 217557), manage 12 unfurnished, one-bedroom, self-contained almshouse flats (ground- and first-floor). One of the trustees is the ex-officio appointment of the Rector of St Peter’s Church, Nottingham as established in the original trust deed. Additionally, there are six co-optative trustees. Administrative functions are undertaken by a Clerk to the Trustees who is employed by the charity. A part-time, non-resident warden is also employed by the charity but the flats are not warden-aided in the traditional sense and there is no general or nursing care available. However, an emergency care alarm call system provides 24-hour cover throughout the year.

Levick Court is a quiet, enclosed garden complex on Launder Street, The Meadows, Nottingham NG2 1HL (off Robin Hood Way) served by the 48 bus service into the centre of Nottingham and is a short walk of the Tram network serving Nottingham and Clifton as well as northwards towards Hucknall and westwards to Toton. Local shops are within walking distance (or by bus).

Applicants to hold a licence to occupy one of the flats should be over 60 years old, have lived in Nottingham for 3 years, and be needy in terms of financial means and/or housing provision. The maintenance charge (‘rent’) for each flat (for single or double occupancy) is £72.50 per week from January 2020, water rates being funded through reserves held by the trustees. Eligible residents may have their weekly maintenance charge paid – in full or part – through Housing Benefit or Local Housing Allowance. An application form can be downloaded here. Any correspondence for the charity, including requests for application forms and/or fuller details, may be sent by email or by post to: The Clerk to the Trustees, Hannah Levick Charity, St Peter’s Centre, St Peter’s Square, Nottingham NG1 2NW It is not at present possible to contact the charity by telephone.

FOOTNOTE: Miss Hannah Levick, a resident of Hastings in the 1870s, built around 30 almshouses in the ‘old’ Meadows, Nottingham in memory of her brother who had lived in The Park. These were demolished under compulsory purchase powers in the 1960s, the charity then being dormant until the current almshouses were erected on their present site in 1982.

Contact Details

Contact Information

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Disabled/Pushchair access to St Peter's Church is possible via the North Door, which can be accessed by a path running along the side of the church (off St Peter's Gate, by St Peter's Church Walk).

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Contact Details

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

Contact Information

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Charity Number: 1130298