St Peter's Bells

The Church of St Peter with St James dates back over 900 years. The building has evolved over the centuries and it stands today at the heart of a busy industrial and commercial city. It is known that there were at least two bells in the tower by 1440 and by 1499 there were probably four.

In 1544 a Marjorie Doubleday died, and in her will she left the rent of a small close to the Sexton of St Peter’s Church on the condition of his ringing the bell, which she bought for the purpose, every morning (except Sundays) at 4 o’clock to awaken the washerwomen of the town to their labours.

The bells were probably augmented to six at the beginning of the 17th century and several were re-cast by George Oldfield, the Nottingham Founder, later in the century. In 1662 the Society of Northern Youths gave two trebles to make a peal of eight and the first recorded peal was on these bells – Grandsire Triples, in 1768 by the Society of Sherwood Youths (successors to the Northern Youths). In 1771 the ring was re-cast by Pack and Chapman of London.

The third bell was re-cast by George Mears in 1858 and the seventh by Taylors of Loughborough in 1901. The inscription on the original bell given by Marjorie Doubleday is reproduced on this bell. In 1919 two treble bells cast by Taylors were given by H. R. Cobbin, a ringer at the Tower, who later became Chairman of Nottingham Forest Football Club.

In 1965 the old wooden frame was replaced by a two tiered H-sided frame by Taylors and the peal was augmented to twelve.

In 1980 the tenth bell cracked and this was re-cast together with the ninth and tenor by Taylors. Over 500 peals have been rung on the bells, more than half of these having been rung since the augmentation to twelve.

In 1994 John Taylors cast the new sharp second. This bell was given by the bell ringers to mark the life and work of Canon Angus Inglis (Rector at the time the bells were restored and augmented to twelve) and his wife Kathleen. The provision of a sharp second gives a true light octave when the sharp second replaces the existing second.

So, in a period of some five and a half centuries, the number of bells at St Peter’s has increased from two to thirteen. Unfortunately, the number of ringers in our band means that we cannot peal all the bells together, except with the help of ringers from local towers, including the University ringers from All Saints, for which we are grateful. If there are persons interested in learning to ring, please contact the ringers.


Contact Details

Contact Information

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Disabled/Pushchair access to St Peter's Church is possible via the North Door, which can be accessed by a path running along the side of the church (off St Peter's Gate, by St Peter's Church Walk).

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Contact Details

Please contact the Parish Office for details of any events or to get in touch with a member of staff.

All correspondence should be sent to the Parish Office (not to All Saints’ or St Peter’s church).

The office is situated on the upper floor of the St Peter's Centre, on the south side of St Peter's Church and adjacent to Marks & Spencers.

Further Information

If you wish to trace a former resident or member of the parish, please address your requests to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

For information on service times at All Saints' & St Peter's, please visit the Services page.

Charity Number: 1130298

Data Privacy Notice

We are pleased to be listed by National Churches Trust.

Anti-Racism policy


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer, Keith Mountford
07546610926 / Email

Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
01636 817200

Safeguarding Children Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Past Case Review 2

Past Case Review 2 - update

Follow Us

Contact Information

The Parish Office
St Peter's Centre, St Peter's Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

0115 948 3658
(+44 115 948 3658 outside the UK)


Office opening hours  
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 am - 2 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm (Email only)

All Saints' Church
Raleigh Street, NG7 4DP

All Saints' Church is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (11am-1pm) and for a Eucharist Service on Sundays (10.30am - 11.30am).

St Peter's Church
St Peter's Gate, NG1 2NW

St Peter's Church is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.

A Sung Eucharist service will be streamed each Sunday at 10.45am (click here, and available to watch again from the Monday following the service for the rest of the week).


Charity Number: 1130298